Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ok, ok, I'm back already!!!!! But for how long?

My dad makes a good point, that it's been a LONG bloody while since I've posted anything in this hallowed space. But I have an excellent reason, which I will now expose to all the millions of you who have been waiting with baited breath for my words to grace this page again. Here goes:

Ok, you think those guys are gone now? Good. The real reason I haven't posted anything in here is that I've just been un-inspired by the whole blogging process. My petty thoughts and... well... ponderingses, I guess, just didn't seem important enough to keep writing them. And in addition to that, I always have my best thoughts about as far from a computer as is humanly possible without leaving the planet, so you can see how I would get frustrated.

I've been thinking of some way to better use this space, but I can't seem to. As it turns out I'm just not the journalling type. I just don't see the point. Perhaps I should start with something easy, and just say I'll post once a week synopsises(? synopsi? synopsees?) That seems achievable. So here's the deal: rather than try to catch you up on the events of my life since April, or whenever the last time I wrote something, let's just start fresh, again, right here. I'm going to try to post here more often, but no less than once a week, and hopefully, I'll start to see some good from it. Sound good to everyone?

Hey, wait, I thought you'd all left!! You were hiding behind that tree?? All million of you???


See ya when I see ya!