Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I took a day off...

I have to admit that the chances of your ever finding an entry in my blog from a Sunday night are slim to none. Why, you may be asking yourself, your loved ones, perhaps even your family doctor? Because Sunday is kareoke night, which carries with it 2 connotations: 1) I'm going to be out very late. 2) I will have been drinking. Now I'm sure the thoughts I could manage to produce while inebriated would be very amusing to some of you, but I don't have any intention of recording them, so there!

Now that I've explained my absence, to the meat of this entry. Namely, that I had the day off(see, I made the title work in 2 ways! Aren't I smart?), and did ABSOLUTELY nothing, all day, except fight crime in Paragon City. Plus, those of you who know me will know that the last few days before payday are always a little tight here in Brianland, and since I get paid this Thurs., you can imagine the horn o' plenty from which I ate today. I actually didn't do a lot of that today, and thus, I'm combatting a bit of a headache, which is why this entry will pretty much end here, with that explanation.

It was an overall good day though.



Blogger Christian Thibodeau said...

Well now that I know about the Sunday night happenings I won't waste my time checking for an update. Do you get to do lots of singing? The one time your mom and I went to a karaoke club - we were there for a couple of hours and I was the only one of the table that got to go singing.

9:54 PM  

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