Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wow, it's been awhile...

As it turns out, not a whole hell of a lot of exciting stuff happens to me on a daily basis, and it takes a lot of effort to get introspective enough to write one of my "deep" entries. So, I guess what I'm trying to explain is why there haven't been any entries in this blog for awhile. Nothing to write about.

Today's entry is pretty much only here to provide this amusing anecdote, and then I'm going to catch up on some of the sleep I desperately need, but can't ever seem to get...

I haven't checked my schedule at the restaurant in about 3 weeks. I figured if I couldn't remember when all 4 of my shifts were, it was my own damn fault. So, you can imagine how surprised I was today when, after showing up at work, on time (4 o'clock), and having worked for half an hour, I re-checked the schedule to find that I did not work today at all. In fact, I'm officially on managerial vacation until about halfway through the first week of September. I have a split serving shift on Sunday, but other than that, I don't work at the restaurant again for 2 weeks. Oops.

Other than that, I don't have a lot to report. Work (at the office) has become really, really, really, really boring. I don't seem to have to do much besides answer phones, and handle the odd customer issue. Actually, it's not much different from restaurant work, in essence, it's just that I spend the whole day by myself, which is boring. They say Man is a social animal, and I, for one, am slightly more social than most, so you can understand my predicament. Also, I'm starting to realize that I have absolutely no interest in the mat business. None. At all. So, while I enjoy the customer relations part of it, doing the secreterial work is redundant and (I know there's a word for under my abilities, but I can't think of it, so I'm going to let you provide it yourself).

Ok, no more whining and bitching. I have vacation time coming, and I get to go home, and visit my parents & sisters! I absolutely can't wait, I'm looking forward to it so much, and the fact that I'm driving down with one of my best friends in the whole world makes it even better. Dad, I know you're reading this, and I'm warning you right now that you, Mitch, and I are all going to have to go out and have a few drinks while I'm home. I'm sure you'll like Mitch, he's a great guy. Oooo, I just can't wait to be home!

Well, that about wraps things up, so...



Blogger Christian Thibodeau said...

Brian: sure I'll go have a few drinks with your friend Mitch and yourself. You should know though that I should not be counted on to know where to go - unless we go for food as well and we can go to the 4 Mile Pub. But there is plenty of time to think about that.

12:51 AM  
Blogger Better Half Blog said...

Brian, I am looking forwarad to your visit as well, even though I am not invited out for drinks! Love you. Mother

1:03 AM  

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