Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you...

I've just been a little pre-occupied with other things, so I haven't been back to tell you about them because I was too... pre-occupied, obviously.

What have I been doing? Not a heck of a lot, actually. I tried to send Staples my resume to be printed, but it seems that Staples + Brian = screw-ups. First, they scrambled the file by accident. Then, I scrambled the file by accident. So now, tomorrow is the day for resume-getting, and also other various things that I don't have time to get into here, because...

I have a couple of people coming over. I just realized that I never explained what part of my life was coming together when I told of how my professional life was coming apart: My personal life. After almost 3 years in town, I finally know enough people well enough to have groups of them over to my house for activities and movie watching, and so forth, and so on. So tonight is my 'first' foray into that crazy world of hosting, and I couldn't be more excited/nervous. Hope it goes well, and I may come back on later to give you a run down on the night's events!



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