Monday, October 03, 2005

What a depressing two weeks so far...

As the title states, this hasn't been the best two weeks ever. I lost my jobs (yes, both of them) two weeks ago tomorrow, and a whole lot of little things have just not been going according to plan. This isn't to say that I haven't had any fun over the last 2 weeks, but the fun is eclipsed by the shite. All of which leads up to tonight's (hopefully) grande finale: the "horrible friend" e-mail. If you know me, chances are you know Jason, and if you don't know Jason, suffice it to say that he used to be my best friend. I received an e-mail from him tonight. Here's the complete, unedited contents of that e-mail:

I am sorry Brian, honestly I don't think I want to talk to you. Last I have been told you were talk all sorts of crap about me, and this is not coming from just Jenn a lot of people have been telling me about this. Secondly you still owe Jenn well I am not even sure how much you owe Jenn, and I don't know where everything went wrong with us. If you do choose to write back make sure it is a very good reason, I feel betrayed by you, I feel like despite all I tried to help you with you only look after yourself, and I am tired of being your fall back guy. Good luck to you and I wish you the best, but you can leave me out of it.

For the record, (and here it's really just for my own peace of mind), I don't owe Jenn any money. After I moved out, she trumped up this fictitious debt, because otherwise it would have looked like what it was, which was me moving out to save my sanity. Jenn & Jason, as far as I know, are together (in a biblical sense), and are talking about getting married.

This is a man I grew up with. I used to think he knew me better than I knew myself. And the truth is that the parts of me I let him see, he knew better than I. I just feel hollow. Emptied out. One bad decision nearly a year ago has ruined so many things in my life, and I just don't know what to do. The thing is, I'm not sure I'd go back and change it. It brought me a lot of good as well.

Life sucks.


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